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Sfânta Liturghie a Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur – BYZANTION

byzantion 4Cuprins / Contents / Sommaire

CD 1

1.         Ectenia mare, plagal glas IV, melodie tradițională athonită / The great litany traditional, Plagal of 4th mode, Athonite melodie / La grande litanie , plagal du 4e mode, mélodie traditionnelle

2.        Psalm 102, plagal glas IV, melodie tradițională athonită / Psalm 102, Plagal of 4th mode, Athonite melodie / Psaume 102, plagal du 4e mode, mélodie traditionnelle athonite     

3.        Ectenia mică / The small litany/ La petite litanie

4.        Psalm 145, plagal glas IV, de Nectarie Frimu / Psalm 145, Plagal of 4th mode, by Nectarie of Tripoleos / Psaume 145, plagal du 4e mode, par Nectarie du Tripoleos

5.        Ectenia mică / The small litany/ La petite litanie

6.       Fericiri, glas I, de Macarie Ieromonahul / The Beatitudes, 1st mode, Hieromonk Makarios / Les  Béatitudes, 1er mode, par Hiéromoine Macaire    

7.        Veniți să ne închinăm, glas II, de Veniamin Costachi / Come, let us bow down, 2nd mode, by Veniamin Costachi / Venez, prosternons-nous, 2e mode, par Veniamin Costachi

8.        Doamne mântuiește, plagal glas IV și I, de Iosif Naniescu și Ștefanache Popescu / Lord, save, Plagal of 4th and 1st modes, by Iosif Naniescu and Ștefanache Popescu / Seigneur, sauve, plagal du 4e et 1er mode, par Iosif Naniescu et Ștefanache Popescu     

9.       Sfinte Dumnezeule, glas I, de Ioannis Palasis / Holy God, 1st mode by Ioannis Palasis / Saint Dieu, 1er mode, par Ioannis Palasis

10.     Lecturare ecfonetică a Apostolului și Aliluia, glas I, melodie tradițională      Ekphonetic reading of the Apostle and Alleluia traditional melody, 1st mode    / Lecture ekphonétique de Apôtre et Alléluia mélodie traditionnelle, 1er mode

11.       Lecturare ecfonetică a Evangheliei și Slavă Ție Doamne, plagal glas IV heptafonic, de Ioan Zmeu / Ekphonetic reading of the Gospel and Glory to Thee o Lord, Plagal of 4th mode heptaphonic / Lecture ekphonétique de l’Evangile et Gloire à Toi, ô Dieu, plagal du 4e  mode heptaphonique

12.      Heruvic, glas I, de Petre Efesiu/ Cherubic Hymn, 1st mode, by Petros Ephesios / Hymne des Chérubims, 1er mode par Petros Ephesios

CD 2

1.         Ca pe Împăratul, plagal glas I, de Anton Pann / Like the Emperor, Plagal of 1st mode, by Anton Pann/ Comme l’empereur, plagal 1er mode, par Anton Pann

2.        Ectenia cererilor / Litany of supplications / Litanie de supplication

3.        Răspunsuri Mari, plagal glas IV, de Konstantinos Pringos / The Holy Anaphora, Plagal of 4th mode, by Konstantinos Pringos / Le Saint Anaphore, plagal du 4e mode, par Konstantinos Pringos

4.        Axion, plagal glas IV, de Konstantinos Pringos / Axion, Plagal of 4th mode, by Konstantinos Pringos / Axion, plagal du 4e mode, par Konstantinos Pringos    

5.        Unul Sfânt, plagal glas IV, de Nectarie Schimonahul / One is holy, Plagal of 4th mode, by Schemamonk Nectarios /  Un seul est saint, plagal du 4e mode, par Moine de grand Schéma Nectarie

6.       Chinonic Gustați și vedeți, plagal glas I, de Ioannis Kladas / Communion hymn Taste and see, Plagal of 1st mode, by Ioannis Kladas / Hymne de communion Goutez et voyez,plagal du 1er mode, par Ioannis Kladas

7.        Paraclisul Maicii Domnului (fragment), plagal glas IV trifonic și din Ni, melodie tradițională / The Paraklisis of the Theotokos (fragment),  Plagal of 4th mode triphonic and from Ni, traditional melody / Le paraclisis de la Mère de Dieu, plagal du 4e mode triphonique et de Ni, mélodie traditionnelle

8.        Bine este cuvântat, plagal glas I, de Ștefanache Popescu / Blessed is He, Plagal 1st mode, by Ștefanache Popescu / Béni est Celui, plagal du 1er mode, par Ștefanache Popescu

9.    Apolisul / Dismissal / Congé


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