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Paraclisul Maicii Domnului – BYZANTION

byzantion 9Cuprins / Contents / Sommaire

  1. Binecuvântarea și troparele începătoare, glas leghetos cromatic / Blessing and initial Troparia, chromatic Legetos / Bénédiction et tropaires initiales, legetos chromatique

  2. Cântarea I, plagal glas IV trifonic / Ode 1, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Ode 1, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  3. Cântarea III, plagal glas IV trifonic / Ode 3, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Ode 3, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  4. Sedealna Ceea ce ești rugătoare osârdnică, glas leghetos cromatic / Kathisma, O, fervent Prayer, chromatic Legetos / Cathisme, Fervente avocate, legetos chromatique

  5. Cântarea IV, plagal glas IV trifonic / Ode 4, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Ode 4, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  6. Cântarea V, plagal glas IV trifonic / Ode 5, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Ode 5, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  7. Cântarea VI, plagal glas IV trifonic / Ode 6, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Ode 6, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  8. Condacul Ceea ce ești păzitoare, plagal glas II tetrafonic / Kondakion A protection of Christians unshamable, Plagal of 2nd mode tetraphonic / Kondakion Protectrice intrépide des chrétiens, plagal du 2e mode tetraphonique

  9. Prochimenul, glas leghetos cromatic / Prokeimenon, chromatic Legetos / Prokeimenon, legetos chromatique

  10. Lecturarea ecfonetică a Evangheliei / Ekphonetical reading of the Gospel / Lecture ekphonétique de l’Evangile

  11. Stihiri după Evanghelie, glas II și plagal glas II tetrafonic / Stichera after the Gospel, 2nd mode and Plagal of 2nd mode tetraphonic / Stichères après l’Evangile, 2e mode et plagal du 2e mode tetraphonique

  12. Cântarea VII, plagal glas IV / Ode 7, Plagal of 4th mode / Ode 7, plagal du 4e mode

  13. Cântarea VIII, plagal glas IV / Ode 8, Plagal of 4th mode / Ode 8, plagal du 4e mode

  14. Cântarea IX, plagal glas IV trifonic / Ode 9, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Ode 9, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  15. Catavasia O, preluminate nor, plagal glas IV trifonic / Katabasia Oh, most lighted cloud, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Katabasia Oh, le plus lumineux nuage, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  16. Cuvine-se cu adevărat, plagal glas IV trifonic / Truly it is worthy, Plagal of 4th mode triphonic / Il est vraiment digne, plagal du 4e mode triphonique

  17. Stihiri după Cântarea IX, glas leghetos cromatic / Stichera after Ode 9, chromatic Legetos / Stichères après Ode 9, legetos chromatique

  18. Slava Bucură-te, laudă a toată lumea, plagal glas IV / Megalynarion Rejoice, praise of all the world, Plagal of 4th mode / Mégalinaire Réjouis-Toi, laude de tout le monde, plagal du 4e mode

  19. Troparele finale, plagal glas IV / Final troparia, Plagal of 4th mode / Derniers tropaires, plagal du 4e mode

  20. Troparele de umilință, glas II / Troparia of humility, 2nd mode / Tropaires d’humilité, 2e mode

  21. Ectenia întreită, plagal glas IV, de Anton Pann / Litany of Fervent Supplication, Plagal of 4th mode, by Anton Pann / Litanie de la fervente supplication, plagal du 4e mode, par Anton Pann

  22. Stăpână primește rugăciunile, glas II / Lady, do you receive, from your servants, their many prayers, 2nd mode / Souveraine, reçois les prières de tes serviteurs, 2e mode

  23. Apolis / Dismissal / Congé    


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