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Byzantine Hymns of the Orthodox Treasury – BYZANTION Choir

 byzantion 1Contents / Sommaire

  1. Let every thing that hath breath, 1st mode, by Iakobos Protopsaltes / Que tout ce qui respire, 3e mode, par Iakobos le Protopsalte

  2. It is truly right to bless you, Plagal of 1st mode adapted by Ștefan Popescu / Il est digne de te célébrer, plagal du 1er mode, adapté par Ștefan Popescu

  3. Sticheron for the Doxologies of the Ressurection, 3rd mode, by Victor Ojog / Sticheron des Laudes de la Résurrection, 3e mode, par Victor Ojog

  4. Holy God, 1st mode by Ioannis Palasis / Saint Dieu, 1er mode par Ioannis Palasis

  5. I will love Thee o Lord, Plagal of 1st mode, after Evghenie Humulescu / Je t’aime, ô Éternel, plagal du 1er mode, selon Evghenie Humulescu

  6. Great Prokeimenon Who is so Great as Our God, Plagal of 3rd mode, by Filotei Moroșanu / Prokeimenon Quel dieu est grand comme notre Dieu?, plagal du 3e mode, par Filotei Moroșanu

  7. Alleluia, 2nd mode by Anton Pann / Alléluia, 2e mode, par Anton Pann

  8. Communion hymn Taste and see, Plagal of 1st mode, by Ioannis Kladas / Hymne de communion Goutez et voyez, plagal du 1er mode, par Ioannis Kladas

  9. Hail Mary, Plagal of 3rd and 1st modes, modern Greek melody / Je vous salue Marie, plagal du 3e et 1er mode, mélodie grecque contemporaine

  10. Prokeimenon Do not hide Your Face from me, Plagal of 4tf mode, by Ioan Zmeu / Prokeimenon Ne me cache pas Ta Face, plagal du 4e mode, by Ioan Zmeu.

  11. Doxology We the multitude of monks, Plagal of 4tf mode, by Dimitrie Suceveanu / Doxologie Tous les moines, plagal du 4e mode, by Dimitrie Suceveanu

  12. Holy God, 1st mode, by Kyriak Ioannid / Saint Dieu, 1er mode, par Kyryak Ioannid

  13. The heirmos The angel cried out, 2nd mode, by Varlaam the Protosyngelos / Heirmos L’ange clama, 2e mode, par Varlaam le Protosyngelos

  14. Idiomelon Since I, the sinner, Plagal of 1st mode, by Chiril Popescu / Idiomelon Comme moi, le pécheur, plagal du 1er mode, par Chiril Popescu


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