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Registration form

The 16th edition of the Masterclass of Byzantine Chant in Iași (10–14 July 2023) has been prepared for you in physical format (within the limit of 150 participants, in the order of registration and in accordance with the regulations in force) and with the possibility of online participation, for participants who cannot be physically present in Iași. The translation of Mr. Panagiotis Neochoritis’ courses into Romanian and English will be provided (if there are requests).

Filling in and submitting this form, as well as paying the registration fee, entitle you to attend all activities in the programme (theoretical and practical courses, conferences and debates), on site for the first 100 registered participants and online for the others. During the online activities you can use the “chat” function on the Zoom platform to make comments and ask questions in writing. With the approval of and upon the request of lecturers, virtual participants can address questions directly via audio/video connection.

Nota Bene! Upon the special request of Mr Panagiotis Neochoritis, some courses will take place exclusively on site.

Payment of the fee can be made by online payment, through Byzantion Bookstore, at the following link:

After registration, the Byzantion Facebook page and the website will be the official sources of information for the participants regarding any update of the program or unforeseen change in the organization of the event.

    Preferred form of participation:

    Completing this form implies that you have read and agree to the following information and recommendations:

    1. Downloading and broadcasting images or sound throughout the event is not permitted. We also ask participants to avoid commenting on the internet on any aspect of the course, taken out of the context in which it was treated.
    2. In the second part of the day, the duration of each interpretation course with Mr. Panagiotis Neochoritis may be extended, depending on his desire to deepen some aspects.

    Other technical information:

    1. Participants are asked to install the Zoom platform in advance and check that it is working properly, as well as the video camera and microphone that will be used.
    2. If a participant needs to create a new account, he / she is asked to fill in the name, first name (with the title, if applicable), as well as the location and age in parentheses. Ex: M. Iustin Craiu (m. Sihăstria, 32) or Prof. Ionuț Dima (Bucharest, 25).
    3. Participants are asked to log in at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the sessions, the organizers reserving the right to select from the waiting room (“waiting room”) only the participants officially registered for this event.
    4. The organizers recommend that you use a wired internet connection or a wi-fi connection that is as good and verified as possible. Connecting your computer via hotspot (from your mobile phone) is not recommended.
    5. Throughout the course, the host will close the microphones of the participants, comments and questions can be addressed in writing (via chat) directly to the host. During the question and answer sessions, the guest may ask the participants to ask questions via the video camera.
    6. If one of the participants intervenes in the discussion (at the request of the guest or the host), he / she is asked to make sure that there is no background noise.
    7. Students physically present at the event are asked to provide accommodation and / or meals in advance. If requested, the organizers may recommend different locations in the city of Iasi. For additional information on registration and participation in the International Masterclass of Byzantine Singing, you can contact us at: 0758.644.016 | Arhid. Dragoș-Gabriel CHELARIU or by text message at 0746.437.938.

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