{"id":89,"date":"2013-02-17T22:00:00","date_gmt":"2013-02-17T22:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/byzantion.ro\/vecernia-si-utrenia-acoperamantului-maicii-domnului-byzantion\/"},"modified":"2013-02-17T22:00:00","modified_gmt":"2013-02-17T22:00:00","slug":"vecernia-si-utrenia-acoperamantului-maicii-domnului-byzantion","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/byzantion.ro\/vecernia-si-utrenia-acoperamantului-maicii-domnului-byzantion\/","title":{"rendered":"Vecernia \u0219i Utrenia Acoper\u0103m\u00e2ntului Maicii Domnului – BYZANTION"},"content":{"rendered":"
1. <\/span><\/span>Binecuv\u00e2ntarea\/ Blessing \/ B\u00e9n\u00e9diction<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 2. <\/span><\/span>Anixandare, plagal glas IV, de Gh. Paraschiadi \/ Psalm 103 (fragment), Plagal of 4th<\/sup> mode, by Georgios Paraschiadis \/Psaume <\/span>103 (fragment)plagal du 4e<\/sup> mode, par <\/span>Georgios Paraschiadis<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 3. <\/span><\/span>Ectenia mare, plagalul glasului IV \/ Great Litany, Plagal of4th<\/sup> mode \/ La Grande Litanie, <\/span>plagaldu 4e<\/sup> mode<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 4. <\/span><\/span>Doamne strigat-am<\/span><\/em>, glas I, de Th. Stupcanu \/ Lord I cry onto Thee<\/em>, 1st<\/sup> mode, by Th. Stupcanu\/\u00c9ternel, je t’invoque<\/span><\/em> 1er<\/sup> mode, par Th. Stupcanu.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 5. <\/span><\/span>Stihira O, mare Ap\u0103r\u0103toare<\/em>, glas I, de Nectarie Schimonahul \/ Sticheron O great Protector<\/em>, 1st<\/sup> mode, by Schemamonk Nectarie\/ Stich\u00e8re O grande Protectrice<\/em> 1er<\/sup> mode, par Moine de grand Sch\u00e9ma Nectarie<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 6. <\/span><\/span>Stihira O, minunat\u0103 \u00eenfrumuse\u021bare<\/em>, glas I, de Nectarie Schimonahul \/ Sticheron O Marvelous Beauty<\/em>, 1st<\/sup> mode, by Schemamonk Nectarie \/ Stich\u00e8re O merveilleuse beaut\u00e9<\/em>, 1er<\/sup> mode, par Moine de grand Sch\u00e9ma Nectarie<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 7. <\/span><\/span>Stihira Se sfin\u021be\u0219te<\/em>, plagal glas III, de Nectarie Schimonahul \/ Stichera Heaven and Earth are sanctified<\/em>, Plagal of 3rd<\/sup> mode, by Schemamonk Nectarie \/ Stich\u00e8re Les cieux et la terre sont sanctifi\u00e9s<\/em>, plagal du 3e<\/sup> mode, par Moine de grand Sch\u00e9ma Nectarie<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 8. <\/span><\/span>Slava Se bucur\u0103 \u00eempreun\u0103 cu noi<\/em>, plagal glas IV, de Ierod. Ioan \/ DoxastikonAll the Mistical Hosts rejoice with us<\/em>, Plagal of 4th<\/sup> mode, by Hierodeacon Ioan \/ DoxastikonToutes les multitudes mystiques se r\u00e9jouissent avec nous<\/em>,plagal du 4e<\/sup> mode, par Hi\u00e9rodiacre Ioan.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 9. <\/span><\/span>Lumin\u0103 Lin\u0103<\/span><\/em>, plagal glas I, de Sebastian Barbu-Bucur \/ O, Gladsome Light<\/em>, Plagal of 1st<\/sup> mode, by Sebastian Barbu-Bucur \/ Lumi\u00e8re joyeuse<\/em>,plagal du 1er<\/sup> mode, par Sebastian Barbu-Bucur<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 10. <\/span><\/span>Prochimen Cine este Dumnezeu<\/em>, plagal glas III, de Filotei Moro\u0219anu \/ Great Prokeimenon Who is so Great as Our God<\/em>, Plagal of 3rd <\/sup>mode, by Filotei Moro\u0219anu \/ Prokeimenon Quel dieu est grand comme notre Dieu<\/em>,plagal du 3e<\/sup> mode, par Filotei Moro\u0219anu<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 11. <\/span><\/span>\u00cenvrednice\u0219te-ne Doamne<\/span><\/em> \/ <\/span>Vouchsafe, O Lord<\/span><\/em> \/ Daigne Seigneur<\/em><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 12. <\/span><\/span>Ectenia cererilor \/ Litany of Supplication \/ Litanie de Supplication<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 13. <\/span><\/span>Stihira la Stihoavn\u0103, S\u0103 c\u00e2nt\u0103m popoare<\/em>, plagal glas I, de Ierod. Ioan \/ Stichera from the Aposticha Let us sing, o people<\/em>, Plagal of 1st<\/sup> mode, by Hierodeacon Ioan \/ Stich\u00e8re Que nous chantions, nations<\/em><\/span>,plagal du 1er<\/sup> mode, par <\/span>Hi\u00e9rodiacre Ioan<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n 14. <\/span><\/span>Stihira la Stihoavn\u0103, Munte Mare<\/em>, plagal glas III, de Ierod. Ioan \/ Stichera from the Aposticha Thou art a Great Mount<\/em>, Plagal of 3rd<\/sup> mode, by Hierodeacon Ioan \/ Stich\u00e8re Grande montagne<\/em>, plagal du 3e<\/sup> mode, par Hi\u00e9rodiacre Ioan<\/span><\/span><\/p>\nVecernia Acoper\u0103m\u00e2ntului Maicii Domnului<\/span>
Vespers of the Protection of the Theotokos
V<\/span>\u00eapres de la Protection de la M\u00e8re de Dieu<\/span><\/span>
Cuprins \/ Contents \/ Sommaire<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n